Dr. Keith Johnson
America's # 1 Confidence Coach |
How big is your confidence? Do you believe in your SELF? How do you deal with your insecurities? Join Us during this 1 hour premier with callers, as we dialog with Dr. Keith Johnson, as he addresses these questions & gives tips on boosting your own self image so that you can harness the inner confidence to live a bigger, bolder life! Dr. Keith will share his own story of how he overcame a childhood rid with insecurities & inadequacies only to become a confidently accomplished adult that inspires others to do the same! Dr. Keith Johnson has spent the past 15 years successfully training over 127,000 leaders how to maximize their leadership potential & effectiveness. He is a best-selling author of three books, The Confidence Makeover, Leading in Crisis Times & Leaders of Destiny, that discuss many of the key principles that are the core of his proven results-producing presentation.
His newest book, The Confidence Solution—Reinvent Your Life, Explode Your Business, Skyrocket Your Income, is being released by one of the most prestigious publishers in the world—Penguin Books.
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Keith's Story:
There was a day when the Confidence Coach had no confidence at all…
He wasn’t always full of confidence—here’s why:
He flunked kindergarten & his teacher told him he was a “slow learner.” For years he thought she meant he was retarded.
When he turned 7 years old, his parents divorced. He blamed myself & thought he was a “bad” boy.
By the time he was in 5th grade, he could barely read & write & almost failed that year.
When he was 8, his mother married an alcoholic who verbally & psychologically abused their family.
His real father joined a motorcycle club called Satan’s Escorts & was a drug addicted alcoholic.
At 10 years old, he was hit by a motorcycle while riding his bicycle & his leg was broken so badly that the doctors said he would never walk without a limp
When he was 16, his father taught him how to sell drugs for a living.
By the time he was 22, he had never read an entire book.
At 23 he wanted to become a speaker, but a pastor said he would never amount to anything.
Also at 23 he was so insecure that he was afraid to call the phone company because they overcharged him $247.
When he turned 30, he started his speaking business AND by 35, he had failed so miserably that he was over $100,000 in debt & living in his mother-in-law’s house.
At 35 he had no job, no money, no perceived opportunities, & no influential relationships to help him. He was 40 pounds overweight & had absolutely no confidence for a better future. But then…
He discovered the proven strategies for success that changed his life forever. In less than three years, he was earning a six-figure income, working for himself, living in the house of his dreams, & traveling around the world.
And now…
He wants to share all of the things he's learned about how to overcome self-defeating childhood memories or young adult self-doubt through building up your confidence.
Keith is the founder and CEO of Keith Johnson International, & he presents his proven success principles at approximately 200 organizations, entrepreneur groups, churches, & events each year. He lives in Spring Hill, Florida, with his wife & daughter. Click 2 Learn More About Dr. Keith--->
Looking forward to out time together!
ReplyDeleteKeith Johnson has a free "The Art of turning Dreams into Reality" eBook and a one hour seminar download. Free Confidence Building Resources Click this link to visit now http://keithjohnson.tv